Who I am…


I’m committed to having a good time, spreading Joy, speaking the truth, and breaking ALL THE FUCKING RULES!

I LOVE color! Can you tell?

While your brand may not be covered in NEON (unless you want it to be), ATTITUDE is required!

IF YOU’VE MADE IT THIS FAR…we’re made for each other!

What i’m known for…

  • B!TCH.ART was birthed out of my own inner B!TCH.

    When shit hit the fan…I simply didn’t have it in me to keep up the ‘Good Girl’ act. I wanted to be a Bratty Bitch…AND…I wanted to do it in a way that was fun.

    It served me well. BITCH.ART is the coolest way to talk shit.

  • No matter how I swing it…sell it or leave it…I am a coach to my core.

    I know how to alchemize pain, change intentionally, and recognize the parts within each person that have the power to create ANYTHING.

    Whether you hire me or not…every conversation we have will be rooted in TRUTH because that’s how I roll.

    I am addicted to my own personal development journey (it is my number 1 top value), which inherently means…I am here for yours.

    I’m honest, straight to the point, charismatic, trauma informed, and compassionate.

    Though…I will leave no stone left unturned.

  • Web Design and Graphic Design are a passion that was birthed out of building my own coaching business.

    I love everything about it, and I’m a fucking BOSS too.

    When you hire me to build out your brand…you’re actually hiring a genius.

  • I successfully ended a NIGHTMARE relationship and rebuilt my life from the ground up. Everyone wanted to know how I did it, so I led groups and classes that helped women navigate the waters of break ups and divorces.

    I built this.

    Cupcake Breakup is an 8 week course to help anyone navigate a Break up in a productive and delicious way.

    It IS POSSIBLE to turn a Breakup into a Breakthrough.

    Anyone who takes this course will learn how to let go of an ending relationship…AND step into a transformed and magnetic new version of themselves.

    The point is to do the work in the correct order. Much like baking…if you do it right… it’s a piece of cake!

    Cupcake Breakup is no longer taught LIVE and can be purchased to be done at your own pace.

    It is lifechanging; worth every effort and every penny.

As a lifelong artist, I thrive on creating the unconventional and vibrant. My style gravitates towards the unique and extravagant


  • The truth is, I’m simply rebellious.

    I used to break the rules for the hell of it…I wanted to see what would happen I guess.

    You know what happened?

    Mostly nothing. Ha!

    I found out from a very young age that most rules are fake. Fake AF. That we’ve all unconsciously agreed to a bunch of hoo-ha and most of it is bullshit.

    I think the most alarming thing about that, is that I’m living proof that you can do whatever you want, AND I still get challenged by my kidand pretty much every passing muggle.

    If I could impart any knowledge to YOU, it would be that you can do whatever you wantfor real real. You just have to get cozy with discomfort…because you’ll be building your own reality brick by brick, day by day.

    Whether we work together or not, I hope you are at least inspired by what you see here…enough to fucking pave your own way. Trust me…its the fastest way to feel satisfied.

    And that is just as important as paying your taxes.